My fondest greetings, I am Elaine of Astolat. Although I am also known as Elaine the white, Elaine the fair, the lady of Shalott, and the lily maid of Astolat. I was born in the city of Astolat in Great Britain in the 13th century, to Sir Bernard of Astolat. I am also the sister to Tirre, and Lavaine.
The online weekly assignment page for the Florida Institute of Technology Intro to Mythology course, held in Fall, 2017.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Sir Bors, King of Gannes
A fine day to you, I am Sir Bors, King of Gannes, one of the Round
Table Knights. My father was also
called Bors, King Bors, King of Gannes who ruled over Gaul, and my mother was
Queen Evaine.
I am not sure how old I am, my parents were murdered when I
was young. There was one lady who went as far as using a magic ring to trick me
to be her accompany, even I already vowed to be a chest knight. With that I
would say I am in my early 20s? Or maybe the scar on my forehead was quite attractive?
Ladies love the man with some scars.
I would say I came from Gaul, but I can’t remember exactly
where. After my parents been killed by Cluada, I stayed at Claudas’ court with my brother
Lionel for couple years, before High Priestess Seraide rescued and
brought us up with Sir Lancelot. After which I joined King Arthur’s court.
Speaking of which, I have an important message to deliver to
Lucius from King Arthur, fare thee well as they say.
Morgan Le Fay
Dearest peasants, my name is Morgan Le Fay, also known as Morgaine, the power enchantress. I am the daughter of Lady Ingraine and Gorlois of Tintagel, the Duke of Cornwall. Another well known relative of mine is King Arthur, who was my half-brother. In my earlier days, I was Arthur's advisor, and also lended my counsel to the other knights of the round table. I had married King Urien, but due to the unhappy conditions of my marriage, I held numerous affairs with other men, one of whom was Merlin the Magician. While being the lover of Merlin, he taught me the mystical ways of witchcraft. I was a very quick learner, and in no time I became an extremely powerful witch. I am well known for plotting to have Arthur killed by Accolon by stealing Excalibur, but unfortunately this attempt did not succeed, and resulted in the death of Accolon. The man i am most drawn too is Lancelot. I used all of my powers, and potions to try and take the affection of the gallant hero, but he was too strong, and did not give himself to me.
Sir Mordred
Good morrow, I am Sir Mordred, a knight of Camelot. I was born in Orkney, on the lands of my mother’s husband, King Lot, around 413 anno Domini, though I was shortly afterwards sent away from that place.
Ah yes, there is an intriguing story. You see, my father is King Arthur and my mother is Queen Morgause of Orkney, his half-sister, who he laid with shortly after his coronation. How that exactly came about I myself am unsure of, and I killed the man who told me before he could reveal the details of it all. I confess that my temper sometimes runs away from me in times of high passion, and my sword has oft been reddened because of it. It is not so unusual as you would think, here in Camelot. The trick is to only kill those who will not be avenged, or if you do kill those with kin, you make sure they are a weak, sickly sort.
My mother claims that my kingly father, like his own father before him, took the form of her husband to seduce her. My father claims that she seduced him and that he only knew the truth of their relation when the wizard Merlin told him of it. For my part, I have no idea which is the truth and which is not, only that my mother rarely needed any persuasion to go to a man's bed and that my father has not quite the same monopoly on morality that many here in Camelot would ascribe to him. Then again, I might own to some bias, given that he attempted to drown me, along with every other child born that same May’s Day as me, in a cowardly attempt to save his own life from a prophecy that said that I would one day kill him.
You know, sometimes I wonder if things would have been better if that old Devil’s bastard Merlin ever learned to keep his mouth shut.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on who you side with in this little family quarrel, I was taken in by a poor noble family, who presented me at court for the first time when I had attained fourteen years of age. When I was twenty, I was knighted, and it has since been several years. I swear that the smile on my father’s face as he touched that sword to my shoulder, so blissfully unaware, is one that I shall never forget.
I might not have the same care for such things as dear Sir Galahad, but I do believe that such acts as child murder are generally frowned upon, no? Since then, I believe it is fair to say that my relationship with my father has not been so harmonious as it might have been otherwise, and, if it is indeed destiny, God's will, what have you, that I should one day kill him, I am hardly one to argue. And, if the rest of it all-The crown, the queen, all of the royal trimmings, should fall to the one who kills him, his only living son, then so much the better. After all this anticipation, I should hate to disappoint.
The Lady of the Lake
I am the fair Lady of the Lake, otherwise known as Nimue. I should not be mistaken for other ladies of the Lake for I am the most important. I was born to Dyonas, a vavasor to the Duke of Burgundy, and the daughter of the Duke of Burgundy in the Forest of Briosque, owned by my father after his service as vavasor. Throughout my lifetime, I learnt magic, raised a great Lancelot, and saved Arthur from defeat on the battlefield. While my age is not actually known, I am thought to have lived a very long and fruitful life.
Sir Tristan
Good evening, I am Sir Tristan I was a contemporary to King Arthur and a Knight of the Round Table. I am the nephew and Champion of King Mark of Cornwall and the son of Meliodas, King of Lyoness. My mother Elizabeth sister of King Mark of Cornwall died was I was born in the forest while my mother was looking for her kidnapped husband.
King Mark of Cornwall
Good day to you all! I am King Mark, the ruler of Cornwall, the son of King Felix and the cousin of King Author. I am the brother of Tristams mother, Elyzabeth. I killed my nephew Tristam for having an affair with my wife Iseult. I fell in love with Iseult from a magic potion. I was born in 480 AD and lived in Tintagel, where my father was killed during a raid on Tintagel by the King of Ireland. After my fathers death and killing my brother Baldwin, I took the throne.
Pray you good tidings,
I am a proud mother of four of our Majesty Arthur's best knights. Pray their safe return, doth I not bear the mourn of the latter fate. My partner wed is King Lot. The wretched traitor he is, joined vicious plots against my beloved half-brother, Arthur. Thus I had no choice in life but to show him an act of unfaithfulness. I laid with a fortuitous man, one of Arthur's knights. Thence, our own treachery was mistakenly revealed to my third Son. Aghast, he reached for a sword, exclaiming foul and belligerent words. I was slain, defenseless and an adulterer. Full of pity (I declare him a weak coward for this) he let my lover run free, to be punished by banishment. Pray his soul finds rest henceforth. Also, in my life, my king half-brother and I may have laid drunkenly together, alas, there is not a conclusion about that. Mead halls can be so confusing... One can never be too judgemental of another when copious servings of mead is involved.
I am a proud mother of four of our Majesty Arthur's best knights. Pray their safe return, doth I not bear the mourn of the latter fate. My partner wed is King Lot. The wretched traitor he is, joined vicious plots against my beloved half-brother, Arthur. Thus I had no choice in life but to show him an act of unfaithfulness. I laid with a fortuitous man, one of Arthur's knights. Thence, our own treachery was mistakenly revealed to my third Son. Aghast, he reached for a sword, exclaiming foul and belligerent words. I was slain, defenseless and an adulterer. Full of pity (I declare him a weak coward for this) he let my lover run free, to be punished by banishment. Pray his soul finds rest henceforth. Also, in my life, my king half-brother and I may have laid drunkenly together, alas, there is not a conclusion about that. Mead halls can be so confusing... One can never be too judgemental of another when copious servings of mead is involved.
Sir Kay
Good day to you,
I am Sir Kay, a knight of the round table and foster brother to our good King Arthur. I was likely born at my fathers estate outside of London, although it is likely I was also born in my fathers home in the city. My exact age is not known, although I am older then our good King. When we grew up together, King Arthur and I did not know his true identity. When I received my knighthood, he served as my squire until the day that he pulled Excalibur from the stone, so I would place myself four or more summers then our King. I am the son of Sir Ector, foster father of our King. The wizard Merlin brought King Arthur to my fathers estate and so he became the first guiding hand in our Kings life. As for my mother, she has been a loyal wife to my father and stays far away from court at my fathers estate.
-Sir Kay, Loyal Knight in the Service of King Arthur
I am Sir Kay, a knight of the round table and foster brother to our good King Arthur. I was likely born at my fathers estate outside of London, although it is likely I was also born in my fathers home in the city. My exact age is not known, although I am older then our good King. When we grew up together, King Arthur and I did not know his true identity. When I received my knighthood, he served as my squire until the day that he pulled Excalibur from the stone, so I would place myself four or more summers then our King. I am the son of Sir Ector, foster father of our King. The wizard Merlin brought King Arthur to my fathers estate and so he became the first guiding hand in our Kings life. As for my mother, she has been a loyal wife to my father and stays far away from court at my fathers estate.
-Sir Kay, Loyal Knight in the Service of King Arthur
Sir Percival
Salutations, my friends! My name is Sir Percival. I am a legendary Knight of the Round Table, as well as the original Grail Knight. My father, along with my two older brothers, were slain in knightly combat when I was but a wee young lad. As a result, I was brought up in ignorance and never knew of what my parents or siblings were to be called by, even though I knew they had existed. I was believed to be born around 1200 AD, but the exact date varies with each chronicle told. I was raised alone by my (nameless) mother, who spoke little of my father in an attempt to protect me. I grew up in a rather odd environment that I do not know much about, but I do know it was beneath the Welsh mountain Valbone. Beneath this mountain is where I was to learn and grow. I was a mere fifteen-year-old adolescent when I was knighted and my adventures began. There are several other accounts of my story, some naming my parents and others telling a tale of other siblings and family members. For this passage I will only tell the first legend of myself, that being of the original Grail Knight.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
I am lady Iseult, princess of Ireland. I am the daughter of
King Anguish and Queen Iseult the Elder. I was born on this great island of
Ireland, however, I passed from a broken heart next to my love Tristan in
Brittany. I was born at the beginning of the 13th century and died
tragically young only a couple decades into my life. During my lifetime, I was
known for being a great healer and I was the only one who could have brought my
Tristan back from his poisoning, but alas, I was too late and died from my
grief next to his side.
Good day to you, I am Merlin, or more famously, Merlin the Magician. I was born in the town of Carmarthen in about 1136 AD to a former nun. My father is the devil who took advantage of my mother, one night as she slept. I was born looking like an old man and had the ability to speak. At 18 months old I testified on behalf of my mother to the supreme judge who had charged her with adultery due to her ignorance of whom my father was. I proved to be quite helpful in her case, as I new from the moment of conception what my father had done. I was immediately baptized after birth relinquishing any former ties I had to my father and his demonic powers. I was a prophet, bard, tutor, and adviser to Arthur.
Sir Ector
Jolly day there! I am Sir Ector of England, a man of Welsh descent whose crowning accomplishment was the crowning King Arthur Pendragon. You see, my life was forever changed, and for the better I may say, with the arrival of my son — foster son, though I never considered him so — the royal Arthur, as well as my natural son Kay. And have I some stories for that! But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. My youth saw me playing on the River Dee in Caer Gal, just west of Bala. It was the age of knights and I was raised with the practical knowledge of war and knighthood, though I cannot say for certain the year. Records were not kept back then as they are now. My current lands lie in the Forest Sauvage, though I have properties in London. I was already a man, indeed a devoted knight of King Uther’s and a husband to my wife, when the young Wart was born and given into my care by that naff Merlin. I tend to not fuss with magic; it’s just not practical. It seems in my old memory I cannot recall the names of my mother and father presently, but ah, it shall come to me!
Hello, I am Guinevere, the Queen of Great Britain, wife of King Arthur and daughter of King Leodegran of Scotland. I come from a noble family of Romans. My father was the previous owner of the Round Table before I married King Arthur. Living my life during the 15th century I was not fortunate enough to have children. While I was married I got taken away by Maleagant, and Lancelot, my lover, rescued me, ironically not my husband. My affair was already well established by then, Lancelot saved me from being burnt at the stake for adultery, because of me this led to the downfall of Camelot. Because of the remorse I carried, I entered a convent where I spent the rest of my life praying and assisting the poor where I vowed never to see Lancelot. When I died I was buried besides King Arthur.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Sir Gawain
Greetings! My name is Sir Gawain, the son of King Lot of Orkney and Morgause. I was born in Orkney and have four brothers named Agravain, Gaheris, Gareth, and Mordred. Morgause is the sister of King Arthur and thus my uncle. I am also a member of the Knights of the Round table and considered to be the most trustworthy and honorable knight of the group as well as a passionate and capable fighter. I was knighted between the ages of 18-20 years old but by some accounts I am 25 during my first quests.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Sir Agravaine
My name is Sir Agravaine. I am the son of King Lot of Orkney and Queen Morgause, Arthur's Sister, which make me Arthur's nephew. I was born in the Orkney Islands, north of mainland Scotland.My older brother is Gawaine and my younger brothers are Gaheris and Gareth. I am believed to be around 21-22 years old when I died. I am also part of the Round Table Knights. Sometimes I am called "the arrogant" or "the pride". I am a very handsome man and a good fighter, but I am also cruel and evil. I killed my mother and her lover because she cheated on my father. I met my wife, Lady Floree (niece of the king of Scotland) at a tournament at Camelot, fell in love, and married her shortly after. There are two versions of how I died. The first one said that I was killed by Lancelot when he tried to rescue Queen Guinevere. The second version said that I died while defending the execution of Guinevere.
Monday, August 14, 2017
1st Assignment
This is assignment is due by class on Friday, September 1st.
Who are you (i.e. what is your character's name)?
Where were you born?
Approximately when were you born?
Who were your parents?
Remember your character was handed out in class on Wednesday, August 23rd. You must write your answers to the above questions "in character", i.e. in the voice of your assigned person, so in other words, in 1st person.
For example: You are Roland, one of the knights of Charlemagne
"Good day to you. I am Roland, a Count and paladin (i.e. a knight) of my liege lord and king, as well as the nephew, of the most august Charlemagne. While my exact age is unknown, I believe myself to have seen more than 20 summers, as I am an accomplished warrior who has fought on the Breton frontier and earned the respect of my peers and fellow paladins. My step-father is Ganelon, the Count of Mayence and my mother is Charlemagne's sister, Berthe. My own father, Milon, an impoverished knight, died soon after my birth rescuing commoners from a flood."
Note, this took about 20 minutes to piece together information from different searches and online information since the classic Chanson de Roland only talks about his death.
Who are you (i.e. what is your character's name)?
Where were you born?
Approximately when were you born?
Who were your parents?
Remember your character was handed out in class on Wednesday, August 23rd. You must write your answers to the above questions "in character", i.e. in the voice of your assigned person, so in other words, in 1st person.
For example: You are Roland, one of the knights of Charlemagne
"Good day to you. I am Roland, a Count and paladin (i.e. a knight) of my liege lord and king, as well as the nephew, of the most august Charlemagne. While my exact age is unknown, I believe myself to have seen more than 20 summers, as I am an accomplished warrior who has fought on the Breton frontier and earned the respect of my peers and fellow paladins. My step-father is Ganelon, the Count of Mayence and my mother is Charlemagne's sister, Berthe. My own father, Milon, an impoverished knight, died soon after my birth rescuing commoners from a flood."
Note, this took about 20 minutes to piece together information from different searches and online information since the classic Chanson de Roland only talks about his death.
This will be the class website blog for the Intro to Mythology class held in the fall of 2017. The postings in this website will be essential to the completion of your term project and for the eventual development of an interactive website.
Every Friday, a new question will be posted on the website, and you will have until the following Thursday to answer the question. All answers should be "in character", i.e. you should be answering as if you were the individual you have been assigned for this project. (Note, week 1, is an exception to this general rule.)
How do I do that? It is a process of trial and error, a learning experience that we will all participate in doing during class. All answers for the questions posed each week can be found in your assigned readings or by doing searches of the web for additional information.
Remember that when posting to the blog page, that all posts and comments are public and can be seen by everyone in the class and anyone who stumbles onto the webpage. Please check regularly to see if there are any comments or questions posed by myself or any of the other students in the class.
When questions call for pictures or images, please remember to paste a link into your blog post of the page where you acquired the image from. This is for copyright reasons and will make my life much easier as I do editing of the blog as necessary.
Good luck and welcome aboard.
This will be the class website blog for the Intro to Mythology class held in the fall of 2017. The postings in this website will be essential to the completion of your term project and for the eventual development of an interactive website.
Every Friday, a new question will be posted on the website, and you will have until the following Thursday to answer the question. All answers should be "in character", i.e. you should be answering as if you were the individual you have been assigned for this project. (Note, week 1, is an exception to this general rule.)
How do I do that? It is a process of trial and error, a learning experience that we will all participate in doing during class. All answers for the questions posed each week can be found in your assigned readings or by doing searches of the web for additional information.
Remember that when posting to the blog page, that all posts and comments are public and can be seen by everyone in the class and anyone who stumbles onto the webpage. Please check regularly to see if there are any comments or questions posed by myself or any of the other students in the class.
When questions call for pictures or images, please remember to paste a link into your blog post of the page where you acquired the image from. This is for copyright reasons and will make my life much easier as I do editing of the blog as necessary.
Good luck and welcome aboard.
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