Thursday, September 14, 2017

Assignment #2

This assignment is due by Friday, September 22nd at 5 pm. Quick turn around due to hurricane.

Ah....the experiment for the first assignment is over with. Some of the answers obviously are better and "more in character" than others. You can always go back and re-edit your entry, especially if at a later date you feel comfortable doing so. If you feel like it, you can make comments to your fellow student's posts. Be helpful and courteous with your posts.

This week's question is in three parts:
Part I: What do you look like? Describe your appearance, your clothing, and the items you usually have with you. Is there any special item(s) you are known to possess? If you can not find a description of your "character" than make up a logical one. But there are descriptions, even in the Arthurian texts, of almost all of the characters.

Part II: Find a picture, painting or drawing that best describes how you see your character to be portrayed. Throughout history, artists have focused on Arthurian knights and most, if not all, have had more than one image created of their appearance. Several movies have been made about the Arthurian myths as well. Remember your choice of picture has a lot to say about what you think of the person as well. No one image is correct, but this is asking for you to come up with the image that best describes the character as YOU see them.

If someone is already using a more generic image, please find a second one. Post the image along with your own description using the "Add Image" tool in the Create a Post tool bar. Remember in your post to include a URL link for the image. Do not "borrow" an image from a site that specifically forbids you from reposting the image or that is obviously copyrighted.


Part III: Comment on two different characters from week 1's assignment. What is your specific relationship to them? How do you feel about them? Find some sort of connection that is more than simply: "We are both on the Round Table" or "We both live in Camelot."

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