Thursday, October 26, 2017

Guinevere HW 4

I lived my whole life living strictly under my father’s rules and then now by my husband’s, King Arthur. I was married to him at a very early age and did not have much of an option. Even in this case, I behaved and I obeyed like I was meant to do. I fell in love with King Arthur and even though I was not completly happy, I would never do anything to hurt him or destroy our marriage. When I met Lancelot and he saved me, I started to fall in love with him. This love grew and grew and at this point I had already betrayed myself and everyone around me. As time passed I felt regret and despair, I knew what I did wrong. Once I realized what I had done I returned to my husband to never betray him again. I followed my moral law until the day he died. 

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