Monday, October 9, 2017

Sir Gawain #3

              I, the most honorable Sir Gawain, am a knight known for my courage, chivalry, and courtesy. However, I tend to keep my deepest fears to myself like all knights of this realm. Today that changes, for I shall let you know what truly fears me.  Locked in the recesses of every mans mind is the will to survive any fatal situation, even if honor may deem it necessary to fall on my own sword. You see, I fear death. This is prevalent in the tale of me and the Green Knight. In the end of the story I forsake my honor and lied to the owner of the castle about giving back the green sash I have received over the day. This scarf is supposedly magic and will prevent any harm from coming to me if I wear it. This would come in handy then because the next day I am to let the green knight take a swing with his mighty axe just as I did to him a year ago. To this day, I still have the sash as a constant reminder of how my fear of death overcame my honor and the events that transpired with the Green Knight.

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