Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sir Kay #3

What did you say? Fear? Ha I fear nothing. I am a knight and a man so there is nothing that could ever scare me. I have braved many a battle and fought many a beast with no regard for such petty feelings. The amount of feats I have performed is not easily counted and there are many on this great island that fear me. If I were to fear anything, it would be failing our King in my duty to him. If I were to lose a battle or fail to protect him from harm that would be something that would keep me up after dark. I could not imagine the shame and the sorrow I would feel if Arthur gave me leave of his service after such a failure. So it is possible I fear some things, but only such things as a loss of honor and the loss of our King's support. For a knight fears nothing on the battlefield, but may fear things that occur thereafter.


  1. Dearest Sir Kay, It is I Morgause. I pray thee a good day! Your loyalty to our good king is astounding and admirable. Take thy comment and keep honoring the kingdom!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sir Kay,
    I am amazed at your confidence. I too was finding it hard to describe my own fear, because like you said being a knight we should be afraid of nothing. I admire your will to protect our king and stay fearless.


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