Monday, October 23, 2017

Sir Ywain #4

Being a knight of the round table, I Sir Ywain, adhere to a strict moral code of chivalry pertaining to all knights in Arthur's kingdom. The tenants of this code are friendship, generosity, courtesy, chastity, and piety. Seeing as my biggest fear is losing the respect of people who are closest to me, and the consideration that if you do not follow this code you are not a person worthy of respect, following this code is very important to me.  I only kill when it is in defence of ones life, or when someone has impugned my honour. The only time I have betrayed my code was when I went off on adventures with Sir Gawain, promising my new wife I would be back within a year. However I did not return within the allotted time frame, breaking the promise I made to my wife and evidently breaking my moral code. Nearly driving myself mad with grief at doing so.

Throughout my adventures there are instances where I prove my commitment to each different aspect of said morals. For instance I show piety when I swore to protect my new land from invasion after I killed it's previous ruler. My morals and feelings towards love, romance, and sex, are quite simply. I am loyal to my loving wife, and treat her and all women with the upmost respect. Women have saved my life twice in the past, showing me not only how kind they can be, but how courageous and generous women are. Overall my morals are a cornerstone of my being, and they maintain my respectful and chivalrous reputation.  

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