Monday, November 6, 2017

Morgause The Finest Lady in the Land

Hello fine mortals, I must reveal to thee my origin. This is a sacred land and must not be revealed to an ordinary human. Ever. Swear to it? Fine, pray thee will understand.
Yes, these are the cliffs of Moher. The gorgeous Irish countryland. I was always thought to have been brought in the land of Scotts, alas this is not true. Here is my true home! Stupendous views!

My favourite son, Handsome is he. Although his background in Arthurian tales... well I pray thee reads his tales prior to judgement! I present to thee, Sir Agravain. 
Alas, You, thy humble reader, would like my favorite misses in Arthurian tales? I present to thee my relative, Elaine. She madly fell in love with Lancelot, petty her heart. Anyway, here is her in all of her fairness. Elaine. 

Ye Works Cited

Cliffs of Moher.
Sir Agravain.

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