Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sir Agravaine #5

1) a picture of the castle at the Orkney Islands where I was born

Image result for scottish castle

I have chosen this picture because it seems to capture the Scottish landscapes and castle in a precise manner. Also, since Sir Agravaine came from a wealthy family, I assume that the castle should present it well, and the castle in the picture is big and grand.

2) King Lot of Orkney, my father

Image result for king lot of orkney
I have chosen this picture because it seems to convey in a persuasive manner the fact that he opposed Arthur's rule.

3) Lady of the Lake when giving Arthur the sword, Excalibur

Image result for lady of the lake painting

I have chosen this picture because it is a unique painting that describes the scene of Arthur receiving Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake. it presents the scene in a different way compared to the other images.

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