Monday, November 27, 2017

Sir Bedivere #7

Treason! The wonderful King Arthur has been betrayed by his own queen, Guinevere, and knight, Lancelot. Lancelot's adulterous love for Guinevere has created great turmoil among those of the round table.  Lancelot's loyalty to his lord was demolished when his love for Guinevere took presidency over serving his king.  Lancelot deserves to be exiled from the kingdom to live life without his beloved queen and suffer.  While it saddens me to see this betrayal between a knight and his king, it hurts even more to see my own queen deceive such a great king. For this, she should be stripped of her crown and punished to the worst degree.  As always, I side with my King in his allegations toward Guinevere and Lancelot.

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