Monday, November 27, 2017

Sir Ector #7

I never thought I would see the day that I would be writing this testimony. My dear, my Lordship King Arthur has been betrayed in ways no man should ever be subjected to. His loyalties were broken irreparably by not only his knight Sir Lancelot, but also his love Guinevere. This much is certain. As for the charges which are presently brought against the lot, I find myself at a crossroads. Family is the cornerstone of my life, and I shudder to think of breaking up any family, let alone my family. I considered Guinevere as a daughter and am saddened to think that something ill might happen to her...yet alas, it is she who has done wrong unto my king, and by the law of the land both she and her untoward lover, that dastard Lancelot (for no knight deserving of the title would commit such an offense), are guilty of treason against the king. May their punishments be just.

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