Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sir Gawain #7

What a sorrowful day! I have recently found that a long standing affair between Queen Guinevere and none other than the leader of the Queens Guard himself, Sir Lancelot, has been ongoing right under  King Arthur's nose for many a year. How can a man call himself an honorable Knight of the Round table after such a treachery has been committed. The evidence is apparent that Sir Lancelot has committed treason of the highest order by not only betraying the sacred order of the Round Table, but by also defiling the wife of King Arthur. In my mind fair lady Guinevere is also guilty of treason, for if an incident between the two occurred once it my very well be the doing of Lancelot forcing himself upon her. However, due to this affair has being carried out for decades, Lady Guinevere, obviously sought after Sir Lancelot's intimate companionship or otherwise she would have notified the court earlier. I await King Arthur's final judgement on the matter, however I fear he may be to lenient on his once close friend.

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