Monday, November 27, 2017

Sir Percival #7

Lancelot my friend, your actions may not be undone nor unseen. You took the oath same as I and it would be wrong if I didn't take Arthur's side. Arthur is my most loyal friend and I cannot betray him by taking your side even though you are a loyal companion. This is adultery, the consequences are severe and necessary. You both will be hung for your actions as an example for future generations to see how such heartless actions can cause the downfall of an entire kingdom. How such pure love can be broken for one night of lust. Guinevere I am disappointed in you as well, these actions are unacceptable and unfix-able. The ultimate crime has been committed right under everyone noses, and I just don't see how you both could live with yourselves after such a horrendous attack on the King.  I have nothing further to say to either one of you, and I hope these actions were worth dying for. You have truly disgraced the title  of a Round Table Knight as well as the Queen. I just hope these actions were worth the destruction and chaos they have caused, and the sad part is if all goes well you will never live long enough to find out. You shall both be hung for this crime.

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