Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sir Ywain #6

What a dark day it is indeed. The treachery that has transpired under all our very noses, is almost unthinkable. For Sir Lancelot, head of the Queen's Knights, and member of the Round Table to defile the sanctity of his King's marriage is most certainly one of the highest forms of treason. However no affair is one-sided. Queen Guinevere is just as guilty of treason as Lancelot for betraying the trust of our King, and breaking the sacred vows she made not only to Arthur, but to God himself. These acts break every vow and promise both Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere have made to the members of this sacred Round Table. True love or not, Queen Guinevere and Lancelot should both be held accountable for this treason, and punished in  a most severe fashion.

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