Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Assignment 4

This assignment is due on Monday October 23rd by 12 noon.

Part 1: Again, these are a set of questions that require a little bit of thought. The answers may not be obvious, but in many cases they will be. Many of the characters as described in Mallory have actions that would provide them with a moral code. It may be as simple as the traditional medieval code of chivalry or it could be more complex and individual. Think about your answers before posting.

Questions: What is your moral code? For example, under what conditions will you kill? Steal? Lie? Do you have a personal code of behavior about violence? What about love, romance and sex?

Part 2: As with assignment #2 (but not #3) you also need to comment on two other characters from Assignment Three, about their fears and responses to the questions.

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