Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Sir Bors, King of Gannes #3

A find day to you, a knight shall not easily expose his weakness, but I trust you are worthy of my secrets.
As avowed chaste and austere knight, my greatest fear was my affair with the daughter of King Brandegoris of Stranggore been exposed. Although it was against my own will and under influence of a magical ring, I did break my vow by making love with her. And to my dismay she claimed she had a son and I am the father of Helain le Blank. Of course I deny the affair in public, but who will believe the tale of magical ring?

Aside from that, I am very sorry for my brother. Lionel didn’t deserve what suffering he had endured, and I am afraid the debt I own him may one day cause my own fall from grace. I believe I am a terrible brother to him, but I won’t regret my choices. I may be a terrible brother, but it was for the good of other innocent lives, please forgive me.

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