Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Sir Tristran #3

Good evening to this beautiful day, I am Sir Tristan a man of pride and justice. However we all of fear and doubt within ourselves. I have a rage and uncontrollable anger at times that can lead to destruction. Which is my biggest fear that my rage and anger will get the best of me and take overt my emotion and cause unnecessary damage. My strive for greatness and justice is sometimes overtaken by rage and with this rage it lead to love ones getting hurt and potential killing myself of some sort. So I leave here today by saying don't let your emotions get the best of you.


  1. Sir Tristan my love,

    I beg of you to calm down and put an end to your rage. As your lover, I could not bear it if you were to return to me dead after one of your adventures. My greatest fear is losing you one day. I don't think my heart would be able to take it, yet you continuously go off and fight. Please return to me safely.


  2. Sir Tristan,
    As a knight we are suppose to be strong-willed, and not weak. I would hate to see this powerful rage of yours get the best of you when serving our king. Please, listen to Isolde and put an end to your rage.


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