Monday, October 23, 2017

Isolde/Iseult #4

I understand that my morals may be in question, since I was betrothed to Mark, yet I fell hopelessly in love with my Tristan. My love for him, though, is just so right it could not be wrong. When he was banished from my kingdom, I could not stop worrying about his adventures and the dangers he would be in. Yet, I am still a princess of Ireland, so I must set an example for all those who live here. I do not steal because I have everything I need with Tristan.  I cannot stand violence as it keeps me awake at night as I lay in bed worrying about Tristan. However, I would do anything for him, as the love potion we drank together made are love stronger than anything the knights of the round table could break. I had no other yearning for any other man. Even when Tristan returned to me dead, my life ended with his.

                Sir Lancelot offered Tristan and I refuge when Tristan was banished from our kingdom, and we were eternally grateful because he has little to fear and would protect us from Mark. He and I share the same fear that we will not be there when the ones we love most need us. As for Tristan, I worry that his fear of going into a fit of rage will end up being his demise. I hope this is not true as he is the love of my life. 

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