Monday, October 23, 2017

Morgause #4

Doth thou attempt to question thy morality on such a day as this? Pray thee is only asking on good faith, and nothing less! I would not dream of stealing, nor of killing, as the deeds are much below the status of my kind. Why, I can even equate it to a peasant attending a feast if I am to steal! the occasion is just that rare. Have I stolen? Sure as a child, and for petty items at that. Have I lied? Of course, a liar will not tell the truth when asked. But, an interesting question proposed to thee was when I would not be loyal. As it turns out, during my life, I was not faithful to my husband. What extreme circumstances, you must be wondering, led to this adulterous action?? Well, my husband was a treacherous human, he directly defied my dear half-brother Arthur and supplied the resistance! The nerve! So of course, my treachery was justified when I laid with another knight... Anything else is unsatisfactory!

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