Monday, November 27, 2017


What I fear the most:
           One of my biggest fear is not being a successful King. I was crowd king when I was only a boy. I did not grow up knowing I was royalty and was not raised to be a King. When my kingdom was handed over to me England was consistently being attacked. No one believed I could possible rule a country at such a young age. I wanted to be the best King I could be by redistributing land, correcting old wrong acts all while expanding the terror England ruled. Every decision I make in life not only affects my country and the knights that fight for me. 

The Moral Code of a King:
When it comes to a moral code I do what is best for my country. I strike an attack on my greatest enemy King Lot in the middle of the night when he is the weakest and doesn’t expect it. This was under no circumstance an even battle field, I sent the armies of Ban and Bors to finish my dirty work but King Lot was a threat to my reign and kingdom. I try and be an honorable knight while knowing that the faith that I have in God will lead me.
            When it comes to love, romance, and sex I follow my heart. I married Guinevere even with the prophecy that Merlin told me. Knowing that I am the King and that affairs could have consequences, I still sleep with Igraine, who had my bastard. First and for most I will only be the King so I asked Merlin to cover up my son so I can continue to be the best King.  
As a knight of the round table I must also follow the code of chivalry: never commit outrageous murders, always flee treason, to give mercy to those who ask for it, defend ladies, children, and widows, and do not go to war because of love or material things.

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