Monday, November 27, 2017

Morgause's Stance

Hither thee, pray thee lends thy ear fore this sun turns moon. 'Ere was only a matter of time before our great King makes the correct decision in the trial of Sir Lancelot and Lady Guinevere. It most certainly is not thy place to make such commentary on the issue, nay you insist!? The slob Guinevere certainly knew what she was doing. Such a treacherous soul. Pray her find peace after all is done. Her infidelity directly led to the my good King's heartache! She should turn herself in at once! Guilty! As for Sir Lancelot.. it is slightly more complicated. He was on an individual quest, and it is only natural for a successful knight as he to want to be more successful, and have desire. I pray thy good brother takes pity on Sir Lancelot, he has wronged before, but shows great promise in correcting and becoming useful in Camelot's future. Guilty, nonetheless. But, should be spared. Pray thee good brother takes thy thoughts into consideration!

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